Becoming A Ham Operator
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- Written by: Gerry, KG8RRY
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 3689
Are you considering becoming a Ham Operator?
Becoming a Ham Operator has several advantages, such as:
Emergency Communications: During natural disasters or emergencies, amateur radio operators can provide communication when traditional communication methods are down.
Technology: It is a great way to get hands-on experience with radio and communication technology.
Ham radio operators can join clubs or groups where they can meet like-minded people and participate in events and contests.
Personal Development: It also builds skills such as communication, problem-solving, and technical expertise.
Amateur Radio is an exciting hobby that continues to grow in popularity. It provides opportunities for personal growth, education, and building relationships with people all over the world.
Join the Massillon Amateur Radio Club on the first Friday of each month for our monthly get together! And for more information about our club visit our Facebook page or email:

Winter Ham Radio Classes
- Details
- Written by: Staff
- Category: Current Events
- Hits: 564
Winter Ham Radio Classes
Technicians License Class, Massillon (Starting point in amateur radio, this class will prepare you to sit for the FCC Technicians License exam)
Date: Starting February 5, 2025- Classes are weekly.
Where: St. Paul's Church Educational Center, 127 Cherry St., NE, Massillon, OH 44646
Here in Stark County, OH, Fred Reed, KD8SMO, will be teaching a Technician’s license class. Ask anyone who have taken one of his past classes he is a great instructor and has a great student passing record!
Contact Info: Email Fred Reed at <
General License Study Group, Alliance (Next step after becoming Technician, this class will prepare you to sit for your FCC General License exam)
This group will meet beginning on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025, and will continue into March, ending on the 11th.
We’ll meet each Tuesday from 6pm – 8pm, in the cafeteria conference room at the Aultman Alliance Community Hospital.
The instructor will be John, WG8X.
Our text will be the ARRL General Class License Manual, 10th Edition
No pre-registration is required.
CW (Morse Code) Class, Alliance
I will be holding CW classes again at the Alliance community Hospital in the cafeteria conference room. The classes will start December 30th at 7:00 pm. They will be held every Monday night after that at 7pm.
The only thing required is something to write with and a notebook to write in.
Don't miss out. It only takes the 2 "Ds" to learn code- Discipline and Dedication.
Tony- KD8BBK
Upcoming Area Hamfests
- Details
- Written by: ARRL
- Category: Hamfests
- Hits: 5890
Current ARRL Hamfests!
04/05/2025 - Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club 69th Hamfest
Location: Cuyahoga Falls , OH
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
Website: https://www.cfarc-hamfest.org
Learn More