Don Rankl, our MARC President

This is what it’s all about!


Once again, our organization rose to the challenge of participating in 2024’s ARRL Field Day. With downright obnoxious weather and temperatures, the mission was still accomplished.


Despite the more than uncomfortable circumstances, we had an unbelievable turnout of friends, visitors and members. More than 60 of you chose to be a part of this event! We welcomed quite a few new faces.


Many had the opportunity to “Get On The Air” (GOTA) for the very first time. New friendships were discovered. Old friendship were strengthened and renewed. And, as always, we continued to learn new ways of improving our skills in “emergency communications.”


All of the technical stuff aside the continued, strong support of MARC made Field Day a grand event for our organization! The smiles, laughter, and camaraderie were the icing on the cake!


I can’t say enough about our Field Day Chairman, Ryan Brown, (KE8SDQ). Ryan spent many months planning all of the specific details behind the scenes, and left no stone unturned. Everything Ryan does is without fanfare or drama. He just gets the job done. His many years of military service were put to good use.


Don’t forget Jane Brown (Ryan’s wife). She may have been the most unnoticed hero of our weekend! Jane took care of feeding everyone, made countless trips to gather supplies and even had our Saturday meal ready to go ahead of schedule!! She has unending energy and brightens up the place anytime she is around.


A very special word of thanks to each and every one of you for making MARC a really neat organization to hang around and enjoy. I am humbled by your contributions of time and talent!


Plans are already in motion for ARRL Field Day 2025! Let us know if you’d like to be on the Field Day Committee. We welcome your insight and new ideas. We’re always looking at ways to improve every year.

-Don Rankl – N8IVJ